UK & Ireland Ecomuseums in Practice 2023
UK & Ireland Ecomuseums in Practice 2023 Roundtable Presentations
On September 7th 2023, the second UK & Ireland Ecomuseums in Practice roundtable workshop was held online. Hosted by Nottingham Trent University and co-chaired by Dr Peter Davis, Dr Kat Massing and Victoria Mcmillan.
It again brought together many of the ecomuseums currently operating in the UK and Ireland to discuss ideas and issues, share support and experiences and build a network of communities, practitioners, academics and individuals interested in the ecomuseum ethos.
Much of the day was given over to roundtable discussions, but we were lucky enough to have three presentations to begin the day introducing two new ecomuseums Torry Ecomuseum and Tweedsmuir, both in Scotland and also a project wrap presentation from the team behind the LIVE collaboration between the Llyn Peninsula, Wales, and the Iveragh Peninsula, Ireland.
Click on the picture below to go to the recording of the presentations